Catherine×Leonie Support Conversations
C Support
レオニー: はあっ、はぁっ、はぁっ……。
Leonie: Huhh... Huhh...
カトリーヌ: ……今日はここまでにしようか。これ以上は無駄だろ。
Catherine: That's enough. You're done for today.
レオニー: はあっ、はあっ……。ありがとう、ございました……。
Leonie: Right. Thanks.
カトリーヌ: ……痛むところはないか、レオニー。
Catherine: Are you feeling pain anywhere, Leonie?
レオニー: あ……。カトリーヌさん。大丈夫です、すみません。
Leonie: No. Sorry. I'm all right.
カトリーヌ: それならいいけど……何で謝るんだ?
Catherine: Why are you apologizing?
レオニー: いえ……まったく太刀打ちができない上に怪我の気遣いまでさせてしまって。
Leonie: Because I can't hold my own against you. And on top of that, you have to worry about hurting me. I feel like I've let you down.
カトリーヌ: ………………。
Catherine: … Do you know what I meant when I said, "you're done for today?"
レオニー: え? ……わたしがもう戦える状態ではないから……ではないんですか?
Leonie: Probably that I was about to keel over?
カトリーヌ: 違うね。体の問題じゃない。心の問題……戦意がなかったからさ。
Catherine: No. It wasn't about your physical strength. I could tell that you didn't have the will to keep fighting.
レオニー: 戦意……。
Leonie: I've got plenty of will.
カトリーヌ: もう何をやっても勝てない。アンタ、そう思ったろ?
Catherine: "No matter what I do, I can't win." Isn't that what you were thinking?
レオニー: ………………。
Leonie: …
カトリーヌ: 勝てないと思ってたら一生勝てないよ。それがわからないアンタじゃないよな?
Catherine: If you think you can't win, you won't. Perhaps you already knew that.
レオニー: ……そのとおりです。
Leonie: Good point.
カトリーヌ: 勝負を決めつけるな。絶対に勝てると高をくくるのも駄目だ。
Catherine: But, never assume that you'll win. That is, don't underestimate your foe. At all times, you have to keep a clear head, to make split-second decisions. In battle, mistakes are deadly.
レオニー: ですが……紋章も遺産も持たないわたしがカトリーヌさんに勝てるとは……
Leonie: But I don't have a Crest or a Relic. How could I ever hope to beat you?
カトリーヌ: ……はあ。それならアタシは素手で、紋章の力も使わないでやるよ。
Catherine: If you put it like that... I'll fight barehanded, and I won't use my Crest. Think you can win? Do your worst.
カトリーヌ: ……やれやれ。ちょっとやり過ぎたかな。
Catherine: Oh dear, I might have overdone it there. But I believe in her. I would be doing her a disservice if I pulled any punches. It's Leonie, after all! She'll be back on her feet and charging at me in no time.
B Support
カトリーヌ: らあっ! はああっ! せやああっ!
Catherine: Hrah! Hyah! Ryaaah!
レオニー: ……ん? カトリーヌさん……。あんなに強い人も鍛錬を欠かさないんだな。
Leonie: Catherine's working really hard. I guess even the strongest fighters can't neglect their training.
カトリーヌ: ふっ! だあっ! うらああっ!
Catherine: Kyah! Nyah! Chaaah!
レオニー: カトリーヌさん、また鍛錬か……も、もしかしてあれからずっと……!?
Leonie: At it again. Or is she still at it?
カトリーヌ: ……偵察か?やるなら、もうちょい気配を消しとけよ。
Catherine: Oh! A spectator. If you want to ogle, you ought to be a little less conspicuous.
レオニー: あ、い、いえ……!通りかかっただけなんですが、その……ずっとここで、鍛錬をしていたんですか?
Leonie: Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it! I was just passing by. I can't help but wonder, though... Have you been training all this time?
カトリーヌ: ああ、今日は長時間の乱戦を想定してね。長く戦ってると心に来るからな。
Catherine: Yes. I'm simulating prolonged combat. Fighting for a long time requires a different set of skills. If you can't handle it in training, you'll certainly be doomed against the real thing.
レオニー: でも、この時間までずっとというのはすごい集中力と体力ですね……。
Leonie: I can't even imagine having what it takes to keep that up for so long.
カトリーヌ: あんた、傭兵を目指してるんだろ?なら少しは戦場を想像してみな。
Catherine: You've been through your share of battles. I'm sure you have some sense of what it takes.
A brutal, protracted clash in open marshland, neither side retreating. In that situation, what will you do?
Your survival depends on decisions you make in the moment.
レオニー: そうやって、戦い抜いてきたんですね。
Leonie: I see why you're so successful.
カトリーヌ: 諦めなきゃ、何とでもなるもんさ。
Catherine: Most importantly, I don't give up. Don't start thinking about how you might lose, or might die. Focus on surviving, on winning.
レオニー: ……そうですね、カトリーヌさん。わたしは決めつけていました。
Leonie: You're right. I've been narrow-minded. I had decided, since I don't have a Crest and can't use Relics, that I'm powerless against someone like you. But that's wrong. I'm not helpless. Not as long as I'm breathing and on my feet. So, the first thing I'm going to learn is how to beat you. Unarmed, at least.
カトリーヌ: そうだよ、レオニー。その意気だ。アタシだって負けるつもりはないけどね!
Catherine: That's the spirit, Leonie! Though I'm not planning on losing to you, either.
レオニー: よしっ!わたしも負けずに鍛錬しよっと!
Leonie: Good! I hope you're ready, because I'm going to train even harder than you!
カトリーヌ: ……アンタを見てると、昔の自分を思い出すよ。
Catherine: You remind me of myself when I was young.
I would become so angry at my own weakness. I feel strangely nostalgic, seeing that same anger in you...
H-huh? Where'd that girl go?
レオニー: カトリーヌさん!早速明日から、手合わせお願いしますよ!
Leonie: We start tomorrow!